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离婚可能是你一生中压力最大的时刻之一. 然而,事情并不一定是这样的. 通过合作离婚,夫妻双方都有自己的律师. Most 印第安纳州 divorce disputes are resolved through an agreement, not a trial, 和 a 协作离婚 为双方达成协议提供阻力最小的途径.

你和你的配偶决定分手了吗, 但你们之间还是有诚意的,没有太多的怨恨和愤怒?

你有孩子吗?, 和 are you both on the same page (or close to it) about who should have what rights 和 responsibilities toward child rearing?

你们两个地位平等吗, 或者接近它, 关于你的收入和过去对家庭的经济贡献?




When it comes to divorce, it can be challenging to face the fact that a marriage has ended. 不幸的是, many people focus on one or two aspects of their divorce 和 never try to work out the terms.

共同离婚, you will be able to negotiate the terms of your divorce with your former spouse 帮助 reach an agreement that works for both parties.


你和你的配偶分别与自己的律师见面, 你们四个定期见面,解决你们之间的分歧. 其他专业人士也可能参与其中,包括 儿童监护专家会计师 谁的目标是帮助你们解决分歧而不诉诸法律.

This is going to be the best way to ensure that you 和 your partner can split ways without a huge fight 和 without a great deal of disagreement that can drag out the process 和 make it more difficult.

通常, both spouses 和 their attorneys sign an agreement that the attorneys will withdraw from the case if it must go to court because the issues can’t be resolved. This helps to ensure that you 和 your former partner underst和 the limits of the process 和 that you can have a goal in mind from the first time you sit down for arbitration.

即使过程是成功的, 要想离婚,需要法庭介入. 通过合作离婚, 你可以保持简短的bet9九州体育登录线路方式, 可管理的, 而且成本要低得多. 在所有财务和孩子责任问题达成协议之后, 法律制度的介入很简单, 不涉及审判的无争议程序, 听证会, 或者审前事项.

How the 印第安纳州 Collaborative 离婚 Process Can Help You, Your Spouse, 和 Your Children

合作的过程可以大大减少愤怒, 挫折, 花费在金钱上, time, 而传统的离婚也会付出努力. 除了, it provides an outcome that can be at least as favorable as what you might achieve through a courtroom battle.

With assistance from a 协作离婚 lawyer, you 和 your spouse could benefit in many ways:


This will keep children from having to deal with a difficult parting 和 with an agreement that does not work. A temporary agreement is going to ensure that the children are affected as little as possible by the divorce.


This will ensure that both parties involved will have access to all the information that is present so that you can ensure that no one is at a disadvantage.

Agree on Legal Procedures to Reduce Costs 和 Delays by Streamlining the 离婚 Process

With something like divorce, the more streamlined 和 easier the case is to underst和, the better. 这种类型的离婚程序可以使离婚快速进行.


This will be the least traumatic option for children 和 can help keep the kids from being dragged into a huge argument 和 an overall disagreement.


This will help ensure that you can move forward with the divorce 和 that you will not have to wait to address any disagreements until after the fact.


从我们的经验中寻求帮助 新奥尔巴尼的离婚律师 会让每个人的生活更轻松吗. 从一开始, our 协作离婚 lawyers work with the parties together to create an agreement.

This allows both parties to start their lives over through a fair divorce resolution. 我们这样做不需要花费时间, 能源, 愤怒, 而悲伤则源于一场激烈的争吵, 对抗离婚. 我们小心处理 共同离婚程序尤其是家里有孩子的时候.

Why the 印第安纳州 Collaborative 离婚 Process May be Right for You 和 Your Spouse

There are many reasons to avoid the traditional, 对抗离婚 process.

  • 双方对结果都有更多的控制权. Your opinions 和 viewpoints will be heard 和 taken into account when putting an agreement together.
  • 双方同意在妥协的基础上达成和解, 诚信, 和 fair play instead of having a judge make decisions that will affect them 和 their children.
  • 这个过程通常比诉讼要便宜. Attorney fees 和 court costs in a contested divorce can quickly add up to substantial amounts of money.
  • 这个过程比诉讼花费的时间要少. The parties 和 their attorneys decide the meeting time 和 place instead of having to accommodate overwhelmed court calendars.
  • There can be much less stress 和 anxiety because the parties are playing a more active role 和 retaining more control of the divorce process.
  • 如果进程成功, 不仅省钱,还有一种满足感, time, 和 能源 but also in being mature enough to work together to reach an agreement.

However, the collaborative process is not the right choice for all divorcing couples. 对许多人来说,这可能值得一试, because even if all disputed issues aren’t resolved 和 the process isn’t completed, 争端可以减少, 从而更快地, 较少对抗性的诉讼程序.


你是否已经决定离婚了, 或者你只是想知道你的选择, 我们可以告诉你. 你需要知道会发生什么, 要花多长时间, 谁会支持你, 和教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law给出了答案.

我们可以解释流程并回答您最紧急的问题, 为你做重大决定做准备.

如果你想找新奥尔巴尼的合作离婚律师, 在线bet9九州体育登录 或致电(812)725-8226预约.


如果你想bet9九州体育登录线路新奥尔巴尼的离婚律师, 你可能有一些问题, 离婚 can be a scary 和 confusing time 和 the following are the most common questions we hear along with our answers:

  • Do You Have to Have a Collaborative 离婚 Proceeding if the 离婚 is Uncontested?

    If you come into the office with a divorce agreement that has al准备好了 been agreed upon 和 that is not contested, 你不需要做任何合作. You can move forward with your divorce 和 get it settled as quickly as possible.

  • 所有的离婚诉讼都是共同的吗?

    并不是所有的离婚诉讼都是合作的. 有些是有争议的,必须上法庭裁决. 有些是没有争议的, 这对夫妇带着已经确定的条件进来了, 所有需要做的就是完成这个过程.

  • 合作能持续多久?

    This depends on the individuals, how the collaboration goes, 和 how the terms are agreed upon. 它可以是一个单独的访问,是友好的,没有任何麻烦商定. It can be a longer process that does take several visits 和 several back-和-forth agreements. 或者,它可能是一个不能由协作决定的过程.

  • 当合作不起作用时会发生什么?

    The attorney 和 clients sign a paper at the beginning of the collaboration process. This states that if the process does not work 和 the terms cannot be agreed upon, 律师将退出, 然后这个案子就需要上法庭了.

  • 合作期间达成的协议是否立即具有约束力?

    The terms will not be legal 和 binding until they are agreed upon by both parties, 直到条款写好, 这些文件已经被记录在案了. They can be changed up to the point that they are submitted to the court 和 entered in the record.


We invite you to bet9九州体育登录线路 our offices to schedule a consultation to discuss your legal concerns.

Discover why so many businesses 和 individuals have come to rely on our trusted advice 和 proven advocacy.


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